Dr. Syed Shahadat Hossain
Office: Room 101
Email: shahadat@isrt.ac.bd
Email: shahadat@isrt.ac.bd
Research Interests
Experimental Design, Sampling Methods, Bayesian Analysis, Environmental Statistics
- Sheikh Mohammad Sayem and Hossain, Syed S. (2022). Holistic Inferential Approach for Restricted Parameters in Multivariate Regression with Continuous Responses: A Monte Carlo Experiment. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 45, S523–S537.
- Lipi, N., Alam, M. S. and Hossain, Syed S. (2021). Spatio-temporal Analysis of Infant Mortality in Bangladesh (2007-2017), South Asian Journal of Population and health, 12 (1&2), 19-29.
- Rashid, M. B., & Hossain, S. S. (2021). Bias Correction of Global Climate Model (GCM) Outputs and Its Statistical Downscaling of Pre-Monsoon’s Wet-Day Frequency in Bangladesh, The Journal of Dew-Drop, Accepted for publication.
- Rashid, M. B., Hossain, S. S., Mannan, M. A., Parding, K. M., Hygen, H. O., Benestad, R. E., and Mezghani, A. (2021): Climate change projections of maximum temperature in the pre-monsoon season in Bangladesh using statistical downscaling of global climate models, Sci. Res., 18, 99–114.
- Matieu Henry et al. (2021). A multi-purpose National Forest Inventory in Bangladesh: design, operationalisation and key results, Forest Ecosystems, 8 (12), 1-22.
- Lipi, N., Alam, M. S. and Hossain, Syed S. (2021). A Generalized Estimating Equations Approach for Modeling Spatially Clustered Data, Austrian Journal of Statistics, 50, 36–52..
- Mahmud, S., Islam, M. A. and Hossain, Syed S. (2020). Analysis of Rainfall Occurrence in Consecutive Days Using Markov Models with Covariate Dependence in Selected Regions of Bangladesh, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 140, 1419–1434.
- Hossain, M. B. and Hossain, Syed S. (2020). Probabilistic estimation of seismic parameters for Bangladesh, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13 (1), 262.
- Rashid, M. B., & Hossain, Syed S. (2020). Future Projection of Mean Temperature of Post-Monsoon Season Over Bangladesh Using Statistical Downscaling of Global Climate Models. Journal of Engineering Science, 11(2), 27-35.
- Rashid, M. Bazlur and Hossain, Syed S. (2019). Projection for Temperature of Monsoon Season over Bangladesh using Statistical Downscaling of Global Climate Model (GCM), The Atmosphere: A Scientific Journal of Meteorology and Geo-Physics, 8 (1), 60-67, published by the Bangladesh Meteorological Department, Bangladesh.
- M. S. Alam, S.S. Hossain, F. F. Sheela (2019). Spatial smoothing of low birth weight rate in Bangladesh using Bayesian hierarchical model. Journal of Applied Statistics 46 (10), 1870-1885.
- S. S. Hossain and N. Awan (2016). Efficient Estimation in Two-stage Randomized Clinical Trials Using Ranked Sets, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics.
- P. K. Roy, J. Gulshan and Hossain, S. S. (2016). Spatially Revised Estimation of Infant Mortality in Bangladesh, Spatial Demography, 1-18.
- H. S. Akareem and Hossain, S. S. (2016). Determinants of education quality: what makes students’ perception different?, Open Review of Educational Research, 3 (1), 52-67.
- M. S. Alam and Hossain, S. S. (2016). A Geostatistical Approach to Predict the Average Annual Rainfall of Bangladesh, Journal of Data Science, 14 (1), 149-165.
- F. Chowdhury, J. Gulshan, and Hossain, S. S. (2015). A Comparison of Semi-parametric and Nonparametric Methods for Estimating Mean Time to Event for Randomly Left Censored Data, Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. 14(1), 196-207.
- Hossain, S. S., Chowdhury, M. and Sadia, F. (2015). Parametric Approaches for Estimating the Number of Species of Water Birds of Bangladesh, Journal of Environmental Statistics, 7(4), 1-13.
- J. Gulshan, Mina, M. M. and Hossain, S. S. (2015). Migration Pattern in Bangladesh: A Covariate Dependent Markov Model, Journal of Applied Statistics, Published by Taylor and Francis Group.
- Farhana Sadia, Hossain, S. S. (2014). Contrast of Bayesian and Classical sample Size Determination. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods., 13(2), 420-431.
- Roy, P. K., and Hossain, S. S. (2014). Predicting arsenic concentration in groundwater of Bangladesh using Bayesian geostatistical model. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 21, 583-597. Published by Springer.
For Details, visit Google Scholar, ResearchGate or LinkedIn
- Hossain, S. S. The Efficiency of Improved Ranked Set Sampling, unpublished Ph. D. thesis, School of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin University, Australia, 1999
- Hossain, S. S. Estimation of variance components of heteroscedastic random ANOVA model: A Monte Carlo study, unpublished M. Sc. thesis, Department of Statistics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1989
Scholarships and Awards
- January 2008, Received Commonwealth fellowship award as Visiting Fellow at School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Newcastle,UK.(duration six months)
- January 1996, Received Deakin University Post Graduate Research Scholarship for conducting Ph.D. research (duration 3 years).
- Sep 1989, Received the Q.M. Husain award for being placed in the First Class First Position in The M.Sc. Examination, Department of Statistics, University of Dhaka.
- Sep 1988, Received the Q.M. Husain award for being placed in the First Class Second Position in The B.Sc. (Honours) Examination, Department of Statistics, University of Dhaka.