Dr. A. H. M. Mahbub-ul Latif


Office: 104
Phone: 8282
Email: mlatif@isrt.ac.bd





Research Interests

  • Design and analysis of experiments, medical statistics, causal inference, correlated data analysis, statistical computing, public health
  • Short Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
  • My homepage at Dhaka University website


Publications (peer-reviewed, selected)

Methodology papers

Collaborative papers

Complete list of publications:




  • “Efficiency and robustness issues in complex statistical designs for two-color microarray experiments”, PhD thesis, Department of Medical Statistics and Center for Statistics, University of Goettingen, Germany, 11/2005. Advisor : Dr. Edgar Brunner. [fulltext]
  • “A comparison of methods for multivariate familial binary responses”, MSc thesis, Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia, Canada, 11/2001. Advisor : Dr. Harry Joe. [fulltext]
  • “An extension of multistate hazards model for transitions and reverse transitions”, MSc thesis, Department of Statistics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 8/1995. Advisor: Dr. M. Ataharul Islam.

Recent Talks

  • Learning Lab on “Establishing nutrition surveillance system and analyzing longitudinal data” at the conference “Delivering for Nutrition in South Asia: Connecting the Dots Across Systems,” Colombo, Sri Lanka, 12/2024
  • “Compound criteria and breakdown numbers”, 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7/2019
  • “Optimum experimental designs for multiple objectives”, Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 7/2019
  • “Maternal and child anemia: Evidence from Bangladesh demographic health survey 2011”, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, NUI Galway, Ireland, 2/2019
  • “Use of transformed response in assessing the impact of fortified biscuits on micronutrient deficiencies”, St. Luke’s University Research Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 3/2018
  • “Optimum designs for nonlinear mixed effects models in the presence of multiple covariates”, Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Baltimore, USA, 7/2017
  • “Comparing risks of developing diabetes complications among Japanese adults ”, St. Luke’s Academia, Tokyo, Japan, 1/2017
  • “Blood glucose levels and diabetes complications ”, St. Luke’s International University, Tokyo, Japan, 9/2016
  • “Transform-both-sides Michaelis-Menten models for pharmacokinetic experiments”, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 4/2015
  • “A gentle introduction to survival analysis”, icddr,b, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 5/2014
  • “Transform-both-sides Michaelis-Menten models for pharmacokinetic experiments”, Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina, NC, USA, 9/2013
  • “Applications of random effects models in health sciences”, Department of Statistics, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh, 4/2012
  • “Optimum designs for transform-both-sides nonlinear mixed effects model in the presence of covariates”, Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 8/2011
  • “Design and analysis of transform-both-sides nonlinear regression models”, Queen Mary, University of London, 1/2010
  • “Analysis of transform-both-sides nonlinear regression models”, Spring Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 5/2009
  • “Analysis of transform-both-sides Michaelis-Menten model”, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom, 1/2009
  • “Selection of good two-color microarray designs using genetic algorithms”,Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 8/2008

Research Students

Below is the list of students who worked with me for their MS thesis in Applied Statistics at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Courses Taught

  • Graduate courses
    • Introduction to causal inference [2024, 2020-23]
    • Analysis of longitudinal data [2015-16]
    • Advanced survival analysis [2013-15, 2010, 2007]
    • Statistical computing [2010-11]
    • Applied multivariate analysis [2006]
  • Undergraduate courses
    • Linear regression analysis [2024, 2007-08]
    • Lifetime data analysis [2020-23, 2010-12, 2005-08]
    • Introduction to R [2023]
    • Elements of probability [2013-16]
    • Programming with Fortran and C [2012, 2005-07]
    • Design and analysis of experiments [2011-13]
    • Epidemiology [2006-07]


Erdös number : I found my Erdös number is 4 ( MathSciNet’s Link )


Useful Links

Professional Activities

Refereed articles for

  • Journal of Royal Statistical Society, series C
  • American Statistician
  • Bioinfromatics
  • Statistics and Computing
  • Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
  • Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods
  • Journal of Applied Statistics


Professional Memberships