ISRT’S Student-Led Flood Relief Initiative: Phase 2 in Laxhmipur and Cumilla Districts

The Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT) is proud to announce the successful completion of Phase 2 of the Student-Led Flood Relief Initiative. Our dedicated students have distributed 600 relief packets to those in dire need in Laxhmipur (Charshahi Union) and Cumilla (Different unions in Chouddagram Upazilla).

Current students, faculties, and alumni of ISRT dedicated two full days (27 and 28 August)  to purchasing and packaging relief goods at the ISRT. All ISRT members voluntarily participated in this demanding task, demonstrating remarkable commitment and teamwork. This shipment, valued at nearly 6 lakhs, was generously funded by current students, alumni, faculty, and numerous anonymous donors.

Each of the 600 relief packets contained essential items such as 5 kg of rice, 1 kg of pulse, 0.5 liters of soybean oil, 1 kg of potatoes, 1 kg of chira, 0.5 kg of molasses, 0.5 kg of biscuits, 0.5 kg of salt, medicines, mineral water, candles, lighters, mosquito coils, water purification tablets, women’s personal hygiene products, and clothing for both men and women. In addition to these relief packets, 200 baby packages containing biscuits, milk powder, diapers, and clothing were provided. Extra medicines were also included for those in need.



























A group of 14 students from different batches of ISRT went to the affected area and distributed relief to the people in dire need. This effort took almost 2 days to complete distributing all the packets, one day in Laxmipur (29th August) and the following day in Cumilla (30th August). All the students returned safely on 31st August. 


ISRT is immensely proud of the enthusiasm and dedication shown by our students in this humanitarian effort. Their commitment to making a difference during this challenging time reflects the spirit of compassion and solidarity that ISRT values and encourages.