New Syllabus for B.S. in Applied Statistics Honors Program Emphasizes Data Science Courses

ISRT is pleased to announce that in a significant development, the forthcoming syllabus for the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Applied Statistics Honors program from session 2022-2023 is set to include a wide range of courses focused on data science. The inclusion of these courses reflects the growing importance and demand for data-driven skills in today’s rapidly evolving job market.

Among the prominent courses that will be offered under the data science umbrella are “Introduction to Applied Statistics and Data Science,” “SQL for Data Science,” “R for Data Science,” “Python for Data Science,” and “Statistical Machine Learning.” These courses have been carefully designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to analyze and interpret large datasets, derive meaningful insights, and make data-driven decisions.

The inclusion of data science courses in the BS in Applied Statistics Honors program highlights the program’s commitment to preparing students for the challenges and opportunities presented by the data-driven era. With the proliferation of data across various industries, professionals equipped with expertise in data science are in high demand. This updated syllabus ensures that students gain proficiency in the essential tools, programming languages, and statistical techniques used in the field of data science.

The new syllabus is available here.