Dr. Shahedul Ahsan Khan
Former Faculty
Email: sa4khan@uwaterloo.ca
Email: sa4khan@uwaterloo.ca
- Ph.D. in Biostatistics (2010), University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
- M.Sc. in Statistics (2005), University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada
- M.Sc. in Statistics (1998), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- B.Sc. (Honors) in Statistics (1997), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research Interests
- Longitudinal Data Analysis
- Survival Analysis
- Statistical Genetics
- Environmental Statistics
- Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling
- Change-Point Analysis (Bent-cable regression)
- Fung KY, Khan S, Krewski D, Ramsay T (2006). A comparison of methods for the analysis of recurrent health outcome data with environmental covariates. Statistics in Medicine, in press, published online (www.interscience.wiley.com).
- Luginaah I, Fung, KY, Gorey KM., Khan S (2006). The impact of 9/11 on the association of ambient air pollution with daily respiratory hospital admissions in a Canada-US border city, Windsor, Ontario. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 63(4): 501-514 (in press).
- Fung KY, Khan S, Krewski D, Chen Y (2006). Association between air pollution and multiple respiratory hospitalizations among the elderly in Vancouver, Canada. Inhalation Toxicology (in press).
- Khan S, Islam MA (2002). An Extension of Multi-State Progression and Regression Models with an Application to Diabetic Complication Data. Dhaka University Journal of Science, 50(1): 93-100.
Articles in Progress
- Chiu GS, Guttorp P, Khan SA, Liang J, Westveld AH. An ecological latent health factor index via a random-effects model for taxa richness and composition, Working Paper Series No. 2006-02, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo.
- Khan SA. Potentiality of the generalized exponential distribution as a lifetime model.
- Analysis of recurrent event data with environmental covariates (2005). Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada. (Supervisor: Dr. Karen Y. Fung)
- An extension of multi-state progression and regression models with an application to diabetic complication Data (1998). Department of Statistics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Supervisor: Dr. M. Ataharul Islam)
Conference Presentations
- Khan S, Raheem E, Yuan F, Zhou Q (2006). Obstructive Sleep Apnea Case Study. Statistical Society of Canada, 2006 Annual meeting in London, Canada.
- Khan S, Islam MA (2002-2003). An extension of multi-state progression and regression models with an application to diabetic complication data. The international conference on “Recent Trends in Probability and Statistics: Theory and Applications”, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India.
- Khan S, Islam MA (2000). An extension of multi-state progression and regression models with an application to diabetic complication data. Seventh National Statistical Conference, Bangladesh Statistical Association, Bangladesh.
Conferences Attended
- May 28-31, 2006: Statistical Society of Canada (2006 Annual meeting in London, Canada)
- Jun 09-10, 2005: Southern Ontario Matrices and Statistics Days 2005, University of Windsor, Canada.
- Dec 31, 2002-Jan 02, 2003: The international conference on “Recent Trends in Probability and Statistics: Theory and Applications”, Gauhati University, India.
- Dec 01-02, 2000: Seventh National Statistical Conference, Bangladesh Statistical Association, Bangladesh.
- Statistical Society of Canada (2006-2007)
- American Mathematical Society (2003-2005)
- Bangladesh Statistical Association (life member)