Dr Md Shahid Ullah
Former Faculty
Office: Senior Lecturer in Biostatisics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100 Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia
Phone: 61872218518
Email: shahid.ullah@flinders.edu.au
Phone: 61872218518
Email: shahid.ullah@flinders.edu.au
Left job as an Assistant Professor on 04.08.2009
Former Faculty
Senior Lecturer in Biostatisics
Faculty of Health Sciences
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia
Telephone: | +61 8 722 18518 |
Email: | shahid.ullah@flinders.edu.au |
Office: | NA |
- 2007 Ph.D. in Statistics, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia.
- 1992 M.Sc. in Statistics, Department of Statistics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
- 1990 B.Sc. Honours in Statistics,Department of Statistics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
Research InterestsDemographic and time series forecasting, functional data analysis, epidemiological modelling and forecasting, nonparametric smoothing, statistical modelling.
- Rayhan, M. I., M. S. H. Khan and S. Ullah (2007) Impacts of bio-social factors on morbidity among children aged under-5 in Bangladesh. Asia-Pacific PopulationJournal, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 22(1) 65-75.
- Hyndman, R. J. and S. Ullah (2007) Robust forecasting of mortality and fertility rates: A functional data approach”. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,51, 4942-4956.
- Asaduzzaman, M. and S. Ullah (2003) Desire for more children in Bangladesh: Evi-dence from BDHS 1999-2000. Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies,Part-D, 20(2), 149-159.
- Ullah, S. and B. Zainab (1999) Modern and traditional contraceptive behavior among rural and urban women of Bangladesh: A logistic regression analysis. Journal of Gynecologic Techniques, 5(3), 95-100.
- Hasin, A. and S. Ullah (1996) Factors affecting birth weight in poor urban population of Dhaka. Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences, 5(1), 77-86.
- Ullah, S. and B. Zainab (1995) Rural-urban differentials in the use of contraception in Bangladesh: A multivariate analysis. Journal of Gynecologic Technique, 1(4), 207-212.
- Ullah, S. and N. Chakraborty (1994) Access to family planning workers facilities choice of modern over traditional methods in Bangladesh. International Family Planning Perspectives (Digest form), 21(2) 86-87.
- Yusuf, H. K. M., Q. Salamatullah, M. N. Islam, T. Hoque, K. M. Rahman, M. Mohiduzzaman, B. Nahar, M. M. Rahman, M. A. Khan, S. Ullah, M. Baquer, and C. S. Pandav (1994) Current status of iodine-deficiency disorders in Bangladesh. The Lancet (Digest form), 343, 1367-1368.
- Ullah, S. and N. Chakraborty (1994) The use of modern and traditional methods of fertility control in Bangladesh: A multivariate analysis. The Journal of Contracep-tion, 50(4), 363-372.
- Salamatullah, Q., M. R. Khan, M. Mohiduzzaman, B. Nahar, M. M. Rahman, L.Nahar, M. N. Islam, M. A. Khan, S. Ullah, T. Hoque, M. Baquer, C. S. Pandav and H. K. M. Yusuf (1994) The national IDD survey of Bangladesh-1993: Biochem-ical iodine deficiency in individual mauzas. Dhaka University Journal of Biological Science, 3(2), 181-188.
- Yusuf, H. K. M., Q. Salamatullah, T. Hoque, M. N. Islam, M. Mohiduzzaman, M. R. Khan, B. Nahar, M. M. Rahman, M. A. Khan, S. Ullah, M. Baquer, and C. S. Pandav (1994) The national IDD survey of Bangladesh-1993: Prevalence of goitre in individual mauzas. Dhaka University Journal of Biological Science, 3(2), 173-179.
- Ullah, S. and N. Chakraborty (1993) Factors affecting the use of contraception in Bangladesh: A multivariate analysis. Asia-Pacific Population Journal, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 8(3) 19-30.
Conference Papers
- Ullah, S. and R. J. Hyndman (2006) Mortality forecasts for a group of populations: A functional data approach. 26th International Symposium on Forecasting held on 11-14 June, 2006, International Institute of Forecasters, Santander, Spain.
- Ullah, S. and R. J. Hyndman (2005) Functional models for forecasting. 25th International Symposium on Forecasting held on 12-15 June, 2005, International Institute of Forecasters, San Antonio, TX, United States.
- Ullah, S. and R. J. Hyndman (2004) Order selection for functional forecasting. 24th International Symposium on Forecasting held on 4-8 June, 2004, International Insti-tute of Forecasters, Sydney, Australia.
- Hyndman, R. J. and S. Ullah (2003) Robust forecasting of functional data with applications in demography. 9th Annual Doctoral Conference held on 27-28 October, 2003, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Victoria, Australia.
- Hyndman, R. J. and S. Ullah (2003) A functional data approach to mortality forecasting. 23rd International Symposium on Forecasting held on 15-18 June, 2003, International Institute of Forecasters, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
- Ullah, S. and N. Chakraborty (1992) Factors affecting the use of contraception in Bangladesh: a multivariate analysis. 4th National Statistical Conference held on 18-19 December, 1992, Bangladesh Statistical Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Papers under construction
- Erbas, B., S. Ullah, R. J. Hyndman and M. Abramson (2007) Asthma mortality forecasting using functional data analysis.
- Erbas, B., S. Ullah, R. J. Hyndman and M. Abramson (2007) COPD mortality forecasting using functional data analysis.
- Ullah, S. and R. J. Hyndman (2007) Order selection for functional forecasting.
- 4. Ullah, S. and R. J. Hyndman (2007) Mortality forecasts for a group of populations: A functional data approach.
- Ullah, S. and R. J. Hyndman (2007) Model selection of mortality forecasts for a group of populations: A functional data approach. Uppublished papers
- Phd Thesis: A Functional Data Approach to Demographic Forecasting, Department of Econometrics and Business statistics, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia.
- M.Sc. Thesis: Factors Affecting the Use of Contraception in Bangladesh: A Multivariate Analysis. Department of Statistics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
- Member, International Institute of Forecasters.
- Member, Population Modeling and Forecasting Network, Australian Centre for Population Research, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian
- National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia.
- Life member, Bangladesh Statistical Association (BSA).