Tasnim Ara
Office: Room No. 201
Phone: 8801771772522
Email: tara@isrt.ac.bd
Phone: 8801771772522
Email: tara@isrt.ac.bd
- B.S. in Applied Statistics, ISRT, University of Dhaka (2018)
- M.S. in Applied Statistics, ISRT, University of Dhaka (2019)
- HSC, Holy Cross College, Dhaka (2014)
- SSC, Monipur High School, Dhaka (2012)
Research Interests
- Public health
- Environmental statistics
- Correlated data analysis
- Molecular data analysis.
1. Ara, T., Ferdous, Z., Mahi, M., Amin, E., Chowdhury, S. B., Rahman, M. S., … & Rahman, M. M. (2023). Assessment of COVID-19 management and its consequences on healthcare professionals: a cross-sectional study from Bangladesh. BMJ open, 13(7), e068633.
2. Ara, T., Rahman, M. M., Hossain, M. A., & Ahmed, A. (2020). Identifying the associated risk factors of sleep disturbance during the COVID-19 lockdown in Bangladesh: a web-based survey. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11, 580268.
3. Rahman, M. M., Ara, T., Mahmud, S., & Samad, N. (2021). Revisit the correlates of infant mortality in Bangladesh: findings from two nationwide cross-sectional studies. BMJ open, 11(8).
4. Islam, A., Ara, T., Amin, E., Islam, S., Sayeed, M. A., Shirin, T., … & Epstein, J. H. (2023). Epidemiology and evolutionary dynamics of high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in Bangladesh. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2023.
5. Khan, J. R., Ara, T., Rahman, M. M., Hossain, M. B., & Muurlink, O. (2022). A multilevel assessment of the influence of education on women’s uptake of institutional delivery services during childbirth in Bangladesh. Midwifery, 113, 103425.
6. Rahman, M. M., Ara, T., & Chakma, R. (2022). Explaining geospatial variation in mobile phone ownership among rural women of Bangladesh: a multi-level and multidimensional approach. Telecommunications Policy, 46(5), 102289.
7. Rahman, M. M., Ara, T., Ibn Shafique, M., Rahman, M. A., & Rahman, M. L. (2023). Spatial analysis of thunderstorms and lightning casualties in Bangladesh. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography.
8. Rahman, M. M., Ara, T., Aninda, M. H. M. K., Nurul, A., & Haider, M. M. (2022). Rural–urban differentials in the influences of individual and geospatial preparedness on institutional childbirth: a cross-sectional study in Bangladesh. BMJ open, 12(9).
9. Hawlader, M. D. H., Rahman, M. L., Nazir, A., Ara, T., Haque, M. M. A., Saha, S., … & Nabi, M. H. (2022). COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in South Asia: a multi-country study. International journal of infectious diseases, 114, 1-10.
10. Hawlader, M. D. H., Rashid, M. U., Khan, M. A. S., Ara, T., Nabi, M. H., Haque, M. M. A., … & Rahman, M. L. (2021). Quality of life of COVID-19 recovered patients in Bangladesh. PLoS One, 16(10), e0257421.
11. Uddin, N., Enoch, S., Harihar, A., Pickles, R. S., Ara, T., & Hughes, A. C. (2023). Learning from perpetrator replacement to remove crime opportunities and prevent poaching of the Sundarbans tiger. Conservation Biology, 37(2), e13997.
12. Venkatesh, U., Gandhi, A., Ara, T., Rahman, M. M., & Kishore, J. (2022). Lockdowns, Community mobility patterns, and COVID-19: a retrospective analysis of data from 16 countries. Healthcare informatics research, 28(2), 160-169.
13. Rahman, M. A., Sagar, S. K., Dalal, K., Barsha, S. Y., Ara, T., Khan, M. A. S., … & Hawlader, M. D. H. (2022). Quality of life among health care workers with and without prior COVID-19 infection in Bangladesh. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 823.
14. Uddin, N., Islam, A., Akhter, T. A. N. I. A., Ara, T. A. S. N. I. M., Hossain, D., Fullstone, C., … & Hughes, A. C. (2022). Exploring market-based wildlife trade dynamics in Bangladesh. Oryx, 1-13.
15. Rahman, M. M., Ferdous, Z., Ara, T., Mahi, M., & Haider, M. M. (2023). Role of community-level emergency contraceptive pills awareness and possibilities of long-acting reversible or permanent methods in reducing unwanted births in Bangladesh: evidence from a nationwide cross-sectional survey. BMJ open, 13(9), e066477.
16. Ara, T., Sathi, S. S., Shiblee, S. I., Esha, S. N., Amin, M. T., & Rahman, M. M. (2024). Emergency contraceptive pill awareness in Bangladesh: missed opportunities in antenatal care and family welfare assistant visits. Reproductive Health, 21(1), 186.
17. Hossain, M. A., Shafin, R., Ahmed, M. S., Rana, M. S., Walton, L. M., Raigangar, V., … & Jahid, I. K. (2022). Health-related quality of life and coping strategies adopted by COVID-19 survivors: A nationwide cross-sectional study in Bangladesh. PLoS One, 17(11), e0277694. |
Full publication list is here.