ISRT offers 1-year graduate program (masters degree) in Applied Statistics and Data Science. MPhil and PhD degrees in Applied Statistics and Data Science are offered to suitable candidates on a regular basis.
MS in Applied Statistics and Data Science
The Master of Science (M.S.) program in Applied Statistics and Data Science is a one-year program. The minimum requirement for admission to this program is the successful completion of the B.S. Honours degree in Applied Statistics/Applied Statistics and Data Science from ISRT. The regulations for the admission and the examinations will be the same as those of the M.S. courses in the Faculty of Science unless otherwise stated. The program includes courses on advanced topics in statistics and computing with special emphasis on the applications of advanced statistical techniques to real-life situations. The objective of the program is to produce graduates with high statistics and computing skills so that, after successful completion, they are equipped to work efficiently and completely in government and non-government organizations, research organizations, service departments, and other related elds. There are two types of course designs available for the M.S. program in Applied Statistics:
Group A : M.S. degree based only on course work.
Group B : M.S. degree based on course work and thesis.
Total credit hours for both the Group A and B is 30. Students of both groups must take 19-credit hours of theoretical courses of which 4-credit hours are compulsory and 15-credit hours are elective. For the elective part, students can choose ve 3-credit hours courses from the list of optional courses. The choice of optional courses will depend on the availability of teaching faculties of the institute. In addition, there will be a two credit hours oral
comprehensive course. The remaining credit hours are distributed as follows:
- Group A: Students from Group A are required to take three statistical computing courses (AST 530, AST 531, and AST 532) and prepare either a project report or a report from internship (AST 550). The computing courses AST 530 and AST 531 are of 2-credit hours and the comprehensive computing course AST 532 is of 3-credit hours. The project report (AST 550) will carry 2-credit hours of which 40% weight will be allotted for presentation, 10% weight for supervisor and the remaining 50% weight will be allotted for report.
- Group B: A selected number of students will be considered for Group B who are required to submit a thesis and defend it (AST 551). The course AST 551 will carry 6-credit hours of which 40% weight will be for thesis presentation and 60% weight for thesis. Students of Group B must take the comprehensive statistical computing course (AST532), which will carry 3-credit hours. It is expected that all thesis students actively participate in seminars organized by the institute during the academic year.
Each M.S. student (Group A and Group B) will be required to give at least one seminar during the academic year. It is a non-credit course but compulsory. The grade to be assigned will be Satisfactory or Not-Satisfactory. The internal members of the examination committee and the other available members of the academic committee will evaluate the performance in the seminars. The performance of a student in a given course will be evaluated by in-course examinations/assignments/performance evaluation in the class/nal examinations. Thirty percent marks of the theoretical courses and forty percent marks of the computing courses will be allotted for in-course examination.
Offered courses along with their contents can be seen in the syllabus.
Session (batch) MS
2023-24 (26) pdf
2022-23 (25) pdf
2021-22 (24) pdf
2020-21 (23) pdf
2019-20 (22) pdf
2018-19 (21) pdf
2017-18 (20) pdf
2016-17 (19) pdf
2015-16 (18) pdf
2014-15 (17) pdf
2013-14 (16) pdf
2012-13 (15) pdf
MPhil in Applied Statistics and Data Science
The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) program in Applied Statistics is a TWO academic year program. According to the Dhaka University regulations for MPhil admission in Applied Statistics, candidates who have either four-year B.Sc./B.S. honors and one-year M.Sc./M.S. degrees or three-year B.Sc./B.S. honours and one year M.Sc./M.S. degrees or two-year bachelor and two year M.Sc./M.S. degrees in Applied Statistics/Statistics are usually eligible to get admission in MPhil. Details are given in Dhaka University MPhil policy. Students in MPhil are required to take course work at the 1st year. The syllabus is designed as follows. The candidates are required to take a total of 9 credit hour of theoretical courses from two groups of courses: A and B. Group A consists of courses related to basic topics and the group B consists of courses related to advanced topics in Applied Statistics. Courses from both groups are of 3 credit hours each. Candidates are required to take THREE courses to make a total of 9 credit hours for theoretical courses, preferably a maximum of TWO courses from each group. The choice of courses will depend on the availability of the teaching faculties of the institute. In addition, there will be a 3 credit hours oral comprehensive course, altogether a total of 12 credit hours.
Offered courses along with their contents can be seen in the syllabus.
Session MPhil
2023-24 pdf
2022-23 pdf
2021-22 pdf
2020-21 pdf
2019-20 pdf
2018-19 pdf
2017-18 pdf
PhD in Applied Statistics and Data Science
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program in Applied Statistics and Data Science is a FOUR academic year program. According to the Dhaka University regulations for Ph.D. admission in Applied Statistics, candidates who do not have either four years of B.Sc./B.S. honors and one-year M.Sc./M.S. degree from the University of Dhaka or MPhil equivalent degree (approved by the Dhaka University MPhil equivalent committee) are required to take course work as part of his/her Ph.D. degree. A candidate who graduated in Applied Statistics/Statistics is eligible for admission into the program. The syllabus is designed for these candidates as follows. The candidates are required to take a total of 9 credit hours of theoretical courses from two groups of courses: A and B. Group A consists of courses related to basic topics and group B consists of courses related to advanced topics in Applied Statistics. Courses from both groups are of 3 credit hours each. Candidates are required to take THREE courses to make a total of 9 credit hours for theoretical courses, preferably a maximum of TWO courses from each group. The choice of courses will depend on the availability of the teaching faculties of the institute. In addition, there will be a 3-credit hours oral comprehensive course, altogether a total of 12 credit hours.
Offered courses along with their contents can be seen in the syllabus.
Session PhD
2023-24 pdf
2022-23 pdf
2021-22 pdf
2020-21 pdf
2019-20 pdf
2018-19 pdf
2017-18 pdf