SPSS and Stata training

ISRT offers training programs on Applied Statistics using SPSS and Applied Statistics using Stata on a regular basis. These programs aim at training the participants a basic idea of statistics at the same time elaborating how to interpret the results obtained from SPSS/Stata output. New features of the program include exclusive classes to develop, discuss and solve practical research problems

SPSS and Stata training programs to start from January 02, 2021

The upcoming SPSS and Stata training programs will begin on January 02, 2021. For further details (program schedule, registration etc.) please click on the link https://www.isrt.ac.bd/training/spss-and-stata/

R training program (online) starts from February 7, 2021

The upcoming R training program (online) starts from February 7, 2021. For further details (program schedule, registration etc.) please click on the link https://www.isrt.ac.bd/training/r/.

SPSS Hands-on for Data Science (short training course)

ISRT Seminar Room (3rd floor) Institute of Statistical Research and Training, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Please Select, Bangladesh

SPSS Hands-on for Data Science (short training course). Details on https://isrt.ac.bd/training/spss Registration form